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發表於 2023-3-30 16:28:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
由Adrian Smith,Gordon Gill和Robert Forest于2006年共創建的AS + GG,在2018年博得了南河西南鱼嘴金融區新的86万平方米開辟項目標設計比赛。這項方案将包含制作一座能晋升南京天際線的超高层塔楼,该項目将“經由過程毗連河邊,大從交通和很多新的文化,天然和技能来成绩该區域的價值。


AS+GG修建事件所(Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture)颁布了南河西南鱼嘴金融區項目標比赛設計方案,该區是一個新的世界级海滨商為區的根本。這座500米高的塔楼,作為開辟項目標一部門,将成為该區的新核心,吸引来自中國和國際市場的商為和游览業。

Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture has unveiled new images for the competition of the South HeXi Yuzui Financial District, the foundation for a new world-class, waterfront business district. The 500-meter-tall tower, part of the development will become the new focal point for the district, attracting businesses and tourism from China and the international market.

由Adrian Smith,Gordon Gill和Robert Forest于2006年共創建的AS + GG,在2018年博得了南河西南鱼嘴金融區新的86万平方米開辟項目標設計比赛。


AS+GG, founded in 2006, by partners Adrian Smith, Gordon Gill, and Robert Forest, has won, back in 2018, the design competition for the new 860,000 sqm development of South HeXi Yuzui Financial District. With a proposal that includes a super tall tower that enhances the Nanjing’s skyline, the project will “increase the value of the location with networks to access the riverfront, public transit, and many new cultural, natural, and technological opportunities”.


该塔楼的設計灵感来自四周长江流水的圖案,并表達了當此生活方法和文化的標致與活動性。——AS + GG設計合股人,Adrian Smith暗示。

We are thrilled to announce that our project is moving forward with Jinmao Group. […] This ne壯陽藥品,w global destination will be a vibrant work-live co妹妹unity that is a center fo口腔護理牙膏,r culture, nature, entertainment, and technology. The concept of the tower draws its inspiration from the patterns contained in the flowing waters of the nearby Yangtze River and expresses the beauty and fluidity of today’s lifestyles and culture. -- Adrian Smith, AS+GG Design Partner

今朝,Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture正在阿拉伯结合酋长國,加拿大,中國和沙特阿拉伯展開項目,制订了一個整體计劃,包含100米,155米,220米和350米的辦公楼和一座超高层摩天大楼,另有86米高的室第塔楼。

现實上,這座摩天大楼将成為“ 2025年完工并得到LEED黄金認证的最高修建之一”。顶部的露天觀景台将是世界上最高的觀景台之一,供给360度的都會全景。

Currently working on projects in the United Arab Emirates, Canada, China, and Saudi Arabia, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture created a master plan comprising of 100-meter, 155-meter, 220-meter, and 350-meter office towers and an 86-meter resident泡腳包,ial tower, in addition to the supertall skyscraper. In fact, this skyscraper will become one of “the tallest buildings to achieve LEED GOLD certification, when completed in 2025”. An open-air observatory at the top will be one of the highest in the world, offering 360° views of the city.


With a design inspired by the Yangtze River, reflecting light, and creating textures on the exterior fa?ade, the supertall tower, with a mixed-use office program, is “shaped to mitigate wind vortices, optimize views, and enhance both the structure and the function”.

為了使超高层修建連结在文化成长的最前沿,在塔楼顶部斥地“特百家樂預測,别”勾當或汇集空間的觀點已成為一種较着的差别。制作高楼再也不是一種挑战,而是一種指望。现在,高度再也不是使修建具备怪异性,吸引力或意見意义性的独一身分。-AS + GG設計合股人,Gordon Gill暗示。

For supertall buildings to remain at the forefront of cultural advances, the concept of carving out ‘special’ event or gathering spaces toward the top of the tower has become a distinct differentiation. Building tall is no longer a challenge but instead, an expectation. Today, height is no longer the sole factor that makes a building unique, attractive, or interesting. -- Gordon Gill, AS+GG Design Partner.


The experience of the user is enhanced by multiple green spaces, promoting a sense of well-being, as well as improving air quality and local micro-climate. With a sustainable design approach, the tower is aiming to reach LEED Gold. First, the building is targeting onsite management of greater than 100% of rainfall through integrating rainwater harvesting on the sky gardens and installing treatment facilities in the basements, to reduce by 55% indoor water usage. Second, the building seeks “overall energy reduction through a combination of energy strategies like reducing the cooling load, installation of a high-performance fa?ade, reducing heating loads, reducing lighting loads, and reducing plug loads”.

塔楼立面的可延续設計是經由過程各類钻研和模子举行塑造的。機能是修建情势,表示情势和功效設計的催化剂。這些塔楼的設計和定位充實操纵了南京的風,陽光及雨水。-AS + GG辦理合股人Robert Forest暗示。

The sustainable design of the tower’s exterior wall was shaped through a variety of studies and models. Performance is the catalyst for the design of the form, expression, and functionality of the buildings. The towers are designed and positioned to take advantage of the winds, the sun, and even the rain in Nanjing. -- Robert Forest, AS+GG Management Partner.





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